
Showing posts from October, 2006

Yetho Dhrishti Thatho Manaha

Hi, This is my first blog and i decided to jot down on my favourite movie. I was watching the tamil version of Sagara Sangamam a.k.a Salangai Oli . I like the scene where padmasri kamalhassan teaches/demonstrates the various forms/sampradhayams of classical indian dance in that movie and quotes the lines from abhinaya shatra, Yetho Hasta Thatho Dhrishti, Yetho Dhrishti Thatho Manaha Yetho Manaha Thatho Bhavaha, Yetho Bhavaha Thatho Rasaha” (Where hands go your eyes follow; Where your eyes go your heart follows; Where your heart goes your expression follows; Where your expression goes, there is your gift to the audience.) The crux of the scene which lucidly explains that any art form requires an absolute form of dedication/commitment from the disciple/practitioner of the art/science. There are lots of scenes which are so beautifully picturised where the art form and the protagnist's dedication has been classically captured. Due credits for the Director K Vishwanath / Maestro Illay...