Lifex - secrets of Life's indicators..
I have been thinking on life and markets all the time and all of sudden i realised there are lot of common things which could be associated. The title - Lifex was abbreviated form of my life's index (which goes every week up and down). Though I am not Bernaud Baumohl, to list all the indicators as he quotes in his famous book. It all started this way, when i started sometime back to question, am i feeling good / bad compared to yesterday / last week / last year. Definitely, when you compare the living standards, salary, wealth, education (or) which is quantifiable /measurable, we would have definitely progressed. But when u compute all the parameters, few of them could be intangible, which can bring your up / down. As we have 30 stocks that determines sensex's performance, I just thot of identifying few stocks (idnetifiers) which would determine by Lifex's performance. Career Wealth Family Health Morale Vision knowledge spirituality Entertainment and self-realisation. The a...